How quickly can I expect a response after contacting Claimfinder?

2 min. readlast update: 11.21.2023

At Claimfinder, we understand that your time is valuable, and we strive to provide prompt and efficient service. Here's what you can expect when you contact us:

  • Phone Calls: We offer a 24-hour live answering service so you can call us anytime. If you call during our business hours, you can expect to speak with a representative right away. If all lines are busy or you call outside of business hours, please leave a message with our reception service, and we'll return your call as soon as possible, typically within the same business day. Additionally, you can schedule a call at a time that's convenient for you.
  • Emails: We aim to respond to all email inquiries within one business day. If your inquiry is more complex, we may need additional time to gather the necessary information, but we will acknowledge your email and keep you informed of our progress.
  • SMS/Text Messages: Text messages are usually responded to within a few hours during business hours.
  • Live Chat on Website: Our live chat support is available during business hours, and you can expect a quick response. You can leave a message outside these hours, and we'll get back to you the next business day.
  • Client Portal: For registered clients using our secure client portal, our response times may vary based on the nature of the inquiry, but we generally respond within one business day.

Please note that response times may vary slightly based on the nature of your inquiry and the volume of inquiries we handle at any given time. Rest assured, we are committed to providing timely and attentive service. If you have an urgent matter, please make that clear in your communication, and we will prioritize your request.

For specific contact details and business hours, please visit our contact us page.

Note: While Claimfinder connects you with super claim specialists, we don't directly process claims or offer legal/financial advice. For more information about our services and responsibilities, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.     
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