Information Needed for Claim Check

2 min. readlast update: 11.20.2023

Claimfinder makes checking your claim simple and quick. To help us connect you with our claim experts efficiently, please have the following information ready:

  1. Personal Details: Your full name, date of birth, contact information, and tax file number.
  2. Identification: Have a driver's license or passport on hand, if possible.
  3. Super Fund Information: Keep recent statements or your MyGov superannuation details ready to help us check any insurance coverage.
  4. Health Overview: Share a summary of your medical condition or injury and when it stopped you from working.
  5. Job Details: Your last employer's name and your employment end date will suffice for the initial check.
  6. Document Uploads: Easily upload your documents through our secure portal.

Don't worry if you're missing some details. Let us know; we may still be able to help, though it could take a bit longer.

To begin, you can either book a quick 15-minute call or start online. We're here to streamline your experience with claims professionals from the start. 

Talk to Claimfinder. Do you have questions or need help claiming? Claimfinder is here for you. Contact us, and we'll connect you with professionals who can guide you. 

Note: While Claimfinder connects you with super claim specialists, we don't directly process claims or offer legal/financial advice. For more information about our services and responsibilities, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.  
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